Online Classes Coming Soon!
Updated, streamlined, intensified and awesome, you can search far and wide and not find the wealth of information and training and most importantly continued support, as you will with this Series.
The Holistic Series (individual classes) is an in depth look at the most successful healing therapies found world wide.
The course, written and developed by Annette DiStefano, is the result of over three decades of working experience as a Certified Master of Holistic Healing, Holistic Educator, Herbalist, Iridologist, Reiki Master and Energetic/Chakra Work Instructor.
This course and series lays a solid foundation in natural healing, acquainting you with traditional systems, models of health, Holistic Nutrition, Herbology, Body Systems, Iridology, Kinesiology, Energy/Chakra Work and Emotional Healing. You will be trained to have a fulfilling career in the Holistic field or you may want to take a few individual classes. These classes are so comprehensive you will be able to consult with others very quickly.
Unlike other classes offered elsewhere, there will always be support for you during and after completing the Course, with invaluable guidance and direction. There are many students that are now consulting successfully, educating and guiding, making a difference for those seeking a natural approach to health and well being. Do you feel called to be working in the holistic field? Contact me now!!!
PS. Some come for knowledge to help their family, some want to change careers to help others and as the weeks go by, each student realizes how much they are helping themselves. This is a life changing Course and truly, every year I hear how much they wish the classes would just continue.
Holistic Nutrition/pH Balancing ~ Learn how illness manifests and the role nutrition plays. We need to know the truth on what is damaging our health to make better choices and this class will explain it all! Understand pH Balancing, what it is and how to maintain a healthy internal terrain. Find out how unbalanced pH affects your health and exactly what to do about it. The Holistic Nutrition class was approved and taught for CEU for the Alumni and Pharmacists at UB, (just so you know the caliber of these classes :-)
Herbology ~ Understand the historical use of herbs, their properties and degree of action. The Chinese/Western elements, Yin/Yang and the holistic approach will be defined. Class will experience an herb tasting to learn the properties of the plants
Body Systems ~ A comprehensive overview of each body system, their function and which herbal formulas obtain the best results. Unique formulas and single herbs will be added this year. Learn how to hold Herbal/Wellness Hours for your own friends and groups.
Cardio Vascular Health ~ NEW! The class will be life changing with a comprehensive look at the most common health problems including cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, neuropathy, pain, memory loss and more with proven, natural solutions from the cardiologists that won the Nobel Prize in Medicine. You will learn how to effectively reverse the health concerns that come with aging.
Most people know about heart disease, but they know very little about vascular disease outside the heart.
Includes instruction on ~
What our doctors have not told us about heart disease
How to easily improve cardio health as taught by holistic cardiologists, includes lecture from world famous Doctor/Pharmacist

Your Own Personal Health Assessment ~ NEW! Will show how to assess your own health easily and see what body systems need balancing and what formulas will work best for your needs.
Kinesiology ~ Based on the Chinese methods of balancing Chi and used by Chiropractors and holistic practitioners world wide. Learn to determine the strength or weakness of the bodies energy field. You will also learn how to test yourself.
Emotional Healing ~ An enlightening class detailing the mind/ body connection, psychoneuroimmunology, working with Flower Essence/Energetically Enhanced Herbal Formulas, and the use of positive affirmations for very effective results. Includes study from Louise Hay, (The New You Can Heal Your Life) and the very popular Beyond the Secret.
Energy Work ~ A practice begun by ancient Greek physicians, healing touch has been adapted to meet today’s life styles. Instruction for this gentle technique will show you how to clear and balance the energy field around the body. Taught and utilized in hospitals, it is most useful for reducing pain, stress, promote healing and increase relaxation. The art of Reiki will also be discussed.
Chakra Work ~ Instruction on how to be aware of and nurture our energy and Chakras system. This will aid in allowing all aspects of the body, mind and Spirit relieve the affects of stress, pain, old emotions and re-connect with a renewed overall balance. Learn how to clear, balance and reconnect the Chakras and Energetic field for ultimate results. Mediation and Inner Child work is also addressed.
Iridology ~The Jensonian /American method of Iridology will be taught. Learn to identify inherent strengths, weaknesses and how to determine an appropriate course of action. Using beautiful case study slides you will see how inherent strengths and weaknesses show in the iris.
Advanced Iridology/Charting ~ will show you how to duplicate what you find in the iris and properly record it on the iris chart.
Legal Practicum ~ A focus on the legal and ethical practices in the natural health field. (Part of Certification Course)
Business Building ~ Guidelines and demonstrations on how to successfully develop your own consultation business.