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Student Reviews for the Certified Holistic Educator Course 

Dear Annette,​

I know it was Divine intervention that I found your class. My original intention was to take just one class because I received a gift certificate; but I was amazed at the amount of information you had to share and I knew I needed to come back.


I feel as if your class series helped me to integrate the knowledge I already had with the new knowledge from the classes and bring everything together in a way that gave shape to a better understanding. I have more direction in how to take care of myself and my family and a means to create a new life for myself.


I love that you tie the knowledge of science, the spiritual connection, and the business aspect together with your classes. This has helped me develop a sense of credibility for kinesiology and iridology that I didn’t have before.


Your classes were enjoyable, not stressful and I appreciate the homework. I think an academic approach always allows you to digest the material and formulate relevant questions.

Thank you for always being available via phone or email. Thank you for hearing and answering your Divine call to do this work. You are an asset to our community, this field, and our world.

Blessings to you,

Rina Gerace



"The classes have changed my daughter completely! Before Annette's classes Jennifer had no direction and little self worth in her life. Her journey has been rough and riddled with hardships. Annette's course has done so much for my daughter- on so many different levels! She has learned how to take better care of herself and others. Thank YOU, Annette!"

Rose Czyrny



"Annette, I was blessed when I was directed towards taking your Holistic Educator Course! I wasn't sure at first. Yet, I am truly thankful that I did. Learning about nutrition, body systems (more thoroughly), energy work, iridology, and much more has been so inspirational. I am more confident in being able to educate people who are wanting a consultation. 


Having us do 10 consultations for the class is a wonderful idea! First, it helps us utilize the information we just learned and second, we are then forced to start decent habits, techniques and styles that will stick with us throughout our careers! I want to thank you over and over again for giving me, and everyone else, this opportunity to understand your enthusiasm for the holistic aspect on things and making it our own.


I cannot wait to organize my notes and knowledge you brought us into my own presentations to continue this amazing work! Thank You Again,"

Jennifer Boettner



Dear Annette,

"Our lives can be so intense- juggling work, family and day-to-day living. All of us need to care for ourselves and many of us often reach out to care for others. The Holistic Educator Course is like receiving a "herbal supplement" of knowledge, experience, kindness and love. I would encourage potential students to take the course. You will benefit personally and professionally.

Thank you, Annette for all that you do."


Paula Hibbard




"I want you to know that I enjoyed every single moment of your classes. The information you taught us is truly priceless. Your slideshows and Power Points really captured our attention and it was always a pleasure to see your smiling face.

I am grateful that God crossed our paths and I will always appreciate your dedication, professionalism and positive attitude. Thank you for everything."

Sincerely, Denise Doyle



Hi Annette,

"Your Holistic Educator Course has been a life changing experience for me. Your classes on nutrition, herbs, energy work, iridology and emotional healing, has given me the knowledge and tools needed to start a Holistic business to help educate other people , so they can heal on a spiritual, physical and mental level.


You truly are a blessing to me. Since your classes began in May, my life has changed. I found out the truth about toxins in our food and in the environment, and how we can make better choices to live our best life ever!! I would highly recommend your course to anyone who really is serious about changing their life , and wanting to educate and help others to a better way of living. It's been an honor to know you and to attend your classes."

Janice Quinn-Bistoff




"Your information is absolutely OUTSTANDING, certainly a gathering of almost 3 decades!!! I want to remember every word you say!!

Your class was STRESS FREE, FUN, SO VERY INFORMATIONAL---JAM PACKED with FABULOUS facts & stories, INTERESTING, INTERESTING, INTERESTING, and I can't wait to come back in Sept. I will let you know which I will attend. You have provided a chance to practice something that I am passionate about, and I thank-you for all the business info, and words of encouragement, and GREAT IDEAS! The new friendships formed are another intangible benefit----what a GREAT class we have--we melded very well, yes?? Yes--I can hear you saying!! LOVING THANKS AND APPRECIATION TO DANIELLE AND YOU......A WARM BIG HUG TO YOU BOTH......."

Linda Sopic



Hi Annette, "Last night's class was fabulous! I left feeling so charged and ready to do this work with purpose and love for those who are in need of guidance. Thank you so very much for all your time and support. I am truly honored to be on this journey, and to have the comfort of continued support."


Lisa Atti



"What an amazing class. Filled with information to nurture the body, mind and spirit. Honoring our bodies and ourselves to live a life we were put here to live. The learning was made entertaining and stress –free. Annette is a warm and kind person, treating each of us with respect and showing us that caring for others is truly a gift we can give to anyone who wishes to receive it."

Blessings to you,




"Annette thank you so much for our class are right we forget that we have the "secret"......just wanted to share and say thank you!!!! You are what I prayed for to reach the changes I desire...that class was exactly what I needed to find me again!!!!"

Tammy Quintana



Hi Annette,

"I have been thinking of you and I just wanted to thank you for all that you have introduced me to in the world of holistic and herbal teaching. Your classes were so full of information and I thought I was in over my head of learning just the basics but, with your gentleness and pure heart of optimism, you gave each of us the faith and confidence to want to learn more.

Reading, talking and using herbology and the holistic approach in our every day lives, it suddenly clicks and, what a wonderful experience it is.


Annette, you sure are doing exactly what God has intended for you to do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I hope I can touch individuals through my life as you have in ours, "The Summer Class.

May the Lord always be with you."

Love, Susan Hudson




Again I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have been such a blessing to me I can't begin to tell you. You have awakened in me something that feels beautiful and peaceful, I haven't felt this way in thirty years. I have always wanted to get myself on the right path for me but many things got in the way.


From time to time I would attend a class but things usually fell by the wayside. Only once did I get this close and that was after a twice daily meditation for about a year but circumstances took that right out of my life and I never could find my way back.


I guess it just wasn't my time yet and I feel that it's purpose was to give me a taste of how things should be. I never got nearly as far as I have now and always felt an empty hole inside of me but I pushed it aside and continued on with the distractions of life.


At this time of my life, God has seen fit to allow me the time to renew and reflect on my past, not with regrets but with the knowledge that I never have to experience those issues ever again.

I have a new set of eyes and the knowledge that life is only in how I perceive it. Done correctly I now can see the grace of God in some of my hardships and I have the ability to view them as positive or negative, the choice is mine.


You have had a hand in all of this. If not for the classes you offer and my overwhelming desire to attend I would not be as connected as I am now. Just look at all the beautiful people that have entered my life in three short weeks. I feel that I am just touching the surface of what is to come. Every day more is reveled to me and only as much as I am capable of comprehending at that time. Again I say thank you for your interest and your prayers I would not be where I am today without them.




Dear Annette,

"I really enjoyed the Course, it is a journey and everyday I am thankful I have taken this path." Virginia King



"I recently completed the classes Annette teaches to become a Holistic Educator. I have always been interested in holistic approaches, but didn’t have much knowledge in this area. When I saw a pamphlet of the course at a local health food store, I took an interest in a few of the classes being provided by Annette.


I intended to just take 2-3 classes that involved subjects I wanted to learn more about- nutrition, herbs, etc. At the end of the first class provided, I felt like I had awakened to a whole new world that I needed to learn more about! I was astounded at how much I didn’t know and the changes I could make to lead a healthier life. Something drew me to the class and to Annette.


The 2-3 classes I was going to take turned into taking the whole course! Along with the interesting topics and information I was learning, Annette’s teaching style and caring personality, made me want to attend the class each week. She makes the students feel very welcome and special. She truly loves and believes in what she is doing and wants others to gain knowledge and educate, as well. Even though I was going to take all of the classes, I still didn’t plan to seek certification.


Annette’s encouragement and support helped me to assess what I wanted to do with my new knowledge and hard work in the classes. I went from just wanting to gain personal knowledge to wanting to help others. This is a profession that is very much needed in society today.

There are so many people who are unaware of the natural ways you can maintain good health and help to heal unhealthy conditions. I am very anxious to become certified and practice what I have learned on myself, my family, friends and others in the community. I have already made many lifestyle changes since I took the courses.


I highly recommend taking the course to become a Certified Holistic Educator. It is very thorough and provides the training needed to be confident in your practice. An abundance of material and resources are provided to each student. As well, the instructor is flexible, fun and supportive, which makes the experience very enjoyable."

Molly McDermott



Dear Annette,

"I was amazed at the amount of information I learned from you. I never expected so much in such a short time. Even after the course was completed you have continued to assist with any help I have needed with any treatment plans. You are delightful to listen to and the time just flew by in class.

I hope you plan more classes as I look forward to taking advantage of your wealth of knowledge." Jonnie O'Connor, RN.



"I am so impressed with the amazing work and effort extended to bring this course to us. Our notebook is filled with beautifully created handouts, jam packed with pertinent information. The class presentations created with the computer bring us the colorful visual aids to infuse recollection through association, such as an elephant balancing on a beach ball, a chocolate frosted cake when referring to the Pancreas. Annette's magnificent Spiritual practices empower all the work and is the glue that unites the Herbal Course. She truly walks her talk and sets a wonderful example for us to follow.

This has been a exhilarating and empowering course for me. Thank you for all the extra efforts you bring to the program. I love you."

Deborah Rose



Dear Annette,

"I am writing you this letter to express how much I enjoyed learning from you about Holistic Healing. The way you taught this course is clearly unique and undoubtedly gives me your teachings and ability to give to others. The proficiency of your teachings is with an easy manner and was so helpful. The relevancy of continued health for everyone in today's world is dependent upon the Holistic approach as taught by you and those who handed this information down to you.


Your teachings are relevant to the whole health system which involves the insight to connect the mind, spirit and body. The use of your Certified Holistic Educator course assuredly is invaluable and priceless. Moreover, I find your interpersonal and practical Holistic techniques to be outstanding."

Sincerely yours,

Karen Wistner




Thank you so much for today!! I had a great time with you reviewing my consultations and getting my certificate. Thank you for all of the information, love, and care that you shared with me. I will keep in touch with you."





"I am very sad these wonderful classes are over. The classes and the terrific teacher have made a tremendous impact on my life.


Every week, no matter how tired I was, the classes were all so great. Each class taught me things I loved to learn and needed to learn. I hope to share with my family and friends."

Kathleen Watson, RN.



"The most important thing I learned from this course is the role that emotions play in shaping your life. How you can recognize them and the patterns and how to release them continually has really helped me these six months. Also, the role that God has in my life and how to accept Him... "Let go and let God."


Through this class I learned that God made us perfect and only through God can we help or heal ourselves or others. I know that statement sounds obvious, but I never thought about it until I started coming here.


Another thing I've gotten here was ongoing support and unconditional love, and I love you for that!!!"


Pamela Gangler

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